介绍:Avantasia – The Metal OperaAvantasia的金属歌剧真是让人觉得惊艳。漂亮的高音,安静的钢琴,一切都是那么恰到好处,构造出一座宏伟美丽的金属歌剧殿堂。
看看他们的全明星阵容:担当主音吉他手的是来自Gamma Ray的Henjo Richter、担任贝斯手的是来自Helloween的Markus Grosskopf、鼓手是来自Rhapsody的Alex Holzwarth,键盘和管弦乐的编写则是由Tobias Sammet亲自担当,另外,来自Edguy的Jens Ludwig和Tobias Sammet也在这张专辑中分别承担了一部分吉他和键盘的演奏,可以说在这部作品中出现的音乐家全部拥有强大的实力。
专辑 The Metal Opera
德国前卫金属乐手Tobias Sammet史诗金属歌剧《Avantasia- The metal Opera》第一部。专辑名叫《七封印传说》,是一个幻想+历史人物的欧洲神话故事,形式上类似《魔戒》。http://www.6fc.net/music/20056820435259328.mp3
这是一个融入了历史情节具有宗教色彩的神话故事。背景在17世纪初的修道院,Gabriel是一个备受赏识的见习生。在一次任务中进入巫女之塔,却看见自己的妹妹Anna被当成巫女囚禁。困扰不已的Gabriel寻求导师Jakob的帮助,却发现Jakob神情有异。经过私下调查,发现Jakob正在阅读一本异教徒的书。好奇之下不禁翻阅其内容,却无法理解。 Gabriel偷阅异教徒书籍被发现,结果被关进大牢。而与他同室囚禁的正式Druid教徒Lugaid。 Lugaid告诉他有一个精灵与精神的世界叫做Avantasia。而那本异教徒书籍就是开启Avantasia的七个封印之一。罗马教皇Pope Clemens IIX与主教von Bicken、Jakob受到宗教、权势的诱惑,正要进入Avantasia释放其中黑暗之塔的神秘人物,如此一来将会破坏Avantasia。而失去灵魂的世人将会变成软弱的傀儡。在了解事情真相之后,Gabriel与Lugaid以乞逃狱,躲过监守官von Kronberg的追击到达古老的沼泽。借助环境的力量进入Avantasia。并在Avantasia的精灵Elderane和矮人Regrin的协助下企图拓会封印……
Days had come, winters had gone,
and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.
I was your knight, holding you tight
as a brother when I saw your crying eyes.
Time went by and we had to say goodbye.
Staring up to the clouds above
Children – so little and sad.
Hoping the saints could help one day
Lead us together again.
Holding the key to the alley of dreams
still in hands.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Stepbrother tell me where have you been
when they brought me to this godforsaken place.
Sign of the cross – they took me away
for healing with herbs by the way of grace.
Now I wait for the day to feed the flames.
I have been caught in a cage of despair.
My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare.
But no holy water can make me
forget you again…
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.
Time telling me to say farewell
but I knew that I would fight hell
and I knew: We will
go for another time we can see,
for another time we'll be free,
for no more farewell.[/color][/align]
[单曲] Farewell-荡气回肠的音乐
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