Type in a list of up to nine symbols in the input below. Your symbols will then be used to generate a short piece of valid JavaScript that you can execute without any extra code.
* Created by Martin Kleppe aka @aemkei.
* More hacks and creative coding at aem1k.com.
The underlying example here is just an `alert(1)` - but more advanced programs are possible, too. Usually, the output is less than 140 chars and perfect for Twitter. You can also share the URL which updates while typing.
Here are some examples of real and imaginary writing systems. The first one Aurebesh is based on the most used alphabeth in the Star Wars galaxy.
Here is a formatted version of the ABC. Read it carefully and you will get the idea.
A = '' // empty string B = !A + A // "true" C = !B + A // "false" D = A + {} // "[object Object]" E = B[A++] // "t" = "true"[0] F = B[G = A] // "r" = "true"[1] H = ++G + A // 2, 3 I = D[G + H] // "c" B[ I += // "c" D[A] + // "o" = "object"[0] (B.C+D)[A] + // "n" = "undefined"[1] C[H] + // "s" = "false"[3] E + // "t" F + // "r" B[G] + // "u" = "true"[2] I + // "c" = "[object]"[5] E + // "t" D[A] + // "o" = "[object]"[1] F // "r" ][ I // "constructor" ]( C[A] + // "a" C[G] + // "l" B[H] + // "e" F + // "r" E + // "t" "(A)" // "(1)" )()
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